
2021-10-17 10:08 138

When domestic test tube babies have failed, you can try the third generation of test tubes in the United States.

In China, most people who want to do test tube babies are infertile.Many of them cannot be pregnant due to the ovarian dysfunction, or they are too large and cannot be given natural.Some people may try to test tube baby technology many times, but still fail.ICAC recommends that these people can try the United States's third-generation test tube baby technology to help pregnancy.

International pointed out that in China, in China, in vicinity can only meet the reproductive needs of some infertility people.For those who have excessive age or severe dyele, it may not be able to achieve fertility effects only on the first generation and second generation test tube infant technology, and the United States is more advanced third-generation test tube baby andTri-party auxiliary reproductive technology can effectively help these people in their children.

Elderly, chromosomal abnormalities cause infertility

In the United States, the United States, the United States has emphasized that although many infertility have accepted a lot of inspections and physical regulation, they still can't successfully give birth through domestic in vitro, which is likely to be due to the abnormalities caused by aging.It is necessary to know that the first generation and second-generation test tube infant, commonly used in my country, is difficult to help pregnancy due to abnormal chromosome genes.Couple chromosome abnormally reduces embryonic quality, but causing embryos that can not be implanted, may also lead to medium childbirth, abortion, etc. in pregnancy.Because embryonic development is poor.

At present, the first generation of extractive techniques is mainly suitable for female fallopian tube obstruction, endometriosis, etc., such as infertility, etc.> Can test tube babies determine men and women?The second generation of essentials is aimed at males, less fine, sperm quality, etc., directly injecting sperm into oocytes through micro-recipient techniques, achieving the purpose of helping pregnancy.For infertility caused by abnormal chromosomes, the first generation and the second generation technology are difficult to achieve effect.

In our country, we have failed many times.We can try third-generation test tubes in the United States.

According to Xin Yue International, the American third-generation test tube infant technology is based on the first generation and the second generation of pregnancy, and the PGS / PGD technology "Test Tube Baby Success" can be checked by PGS / PGD technology.The 23 of the embryos of the embryos and genetic fragments of the chromosomal and genes are screened, and the chromosomes are abnormal or gene abnormal embryos, retain the highest quality embryo to migrate, and help chromosomes, family genetic diseases and other types of patients.They have been difficult to conceive for many years, and they have failed to maximize healthy baby pregnancy in the test tube baby, and achieve good prenatal and postpartum care.

In addition, most parts of the United States are fully open to third-party auxiliary reproduction.For example, after decades of development, how much third-party auxiliary reproductive process and laws and regulations have been very perfect in California and other places in California and other parts of the United States, so that people who have needed people with their needs in the help of their loved mothers.child.For example, because the uterus is abnormal, women cannot give birth normally, or male lovers cannot be delivered, and so on.It can achieve the dream of a child through third-party auxiliary reproductive technology.

What is the advantage of in vitro fertilization?

Through the doctor's pair of responsibilities, the US test tube infant can understand the patient's physical condition and develop a personalized treatment plan.The whole process of real-time monitoring and adjustment of ovulation induced dose can be completed.A perfect embryonic laboratory can develop embryos into structured 5-day embryo.The embryo PGS / PGD can screen the chromosome genetic disease and judge the gender of the baby.High quality healthy embryo can be positioned and transferred to the uterus for implantation.Compared with the domestic, each step has increased its success rate.

IAE International Reproductive Consultant pointed out that the birth of a third-generation test tube infant technology not only made up for the shortcomings of the first generation and second-generation test tube infant technology, but also improved the success rate of test tube babies, which aims to improve the post-post-post-post-post-post-post-post-post care.Help more families to achieve a dream of having a healthy baby.If you want to know more about this technology, you can directly click on online consultation and expert communication.

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